La Princesse insensible episode guide

Many thanks to for providing the original French episode titles (reproduced below), which I will proceed to translate myself.

  1. Le Prince dompteur (The Tamer Prince)
  2. Le Prince jardinier (The Gardener Prince)
  3. Le Prince à transformations (The Transforming Prince)
  4. Le Prince sourcier (The Dowser Prince)
  5. Le Prince qui fait semblant (The Pretender Prince)
  6. Le Prince météorologue (The Meteorologist Prince)
  7. Le Prince sous-marin (The Underwater Prince)
  8. Le Prince volant (The Flying Prince)
  9. Le Prince décorateur (The Decorator Prince)
  10. Le Prince magicien (The Magician Prince)
  11. Le Prince peintre (The Painter Prince)
  12. Le Prince artificier (The Artificer Prince)
  13. Le Prince écolier (The Schoolboy Prince)
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