La Princesse insensible episode guide
Many thanks to for providing the original French episode titles (reproduced below), which I will proceed to translate myself.
- Le Prince dompteur (The Tamer Prince)
- Le Prince jardinier (The Gardener Prince)
- Le Prince à transformations (The Transforming Prince)
- Le Prince sourcier (The Dowser Prince)
- Le Prince qui fait semblant (The Pretender Prince)
- Le Prince météorologue (The Meteorologist Prince)
- Le Prince sous-marin (The Underwater Prince)
- Le Prince volant (The Flying Prince)
- Le Prince décorateur (The Decorator Prince)
- Le Prince magicien (The Magician Prince)
- Le Prince peintre (The Painter Prince)
- Le Prince artificier (The Artificer Prince)
- Le Prince écolier (The Schoolboy Prince)
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